Best Cabinet Type 1035 softener in Dubai Marina


Best Cabinet Type 1035 softener in Dubai Marina

If you live in Dubai Marina, you know that the water quality can be a problem. Hard water can cause various issues, such as dry skin and hair, laundry discoloration, and clogged pipes. Fortunately, the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener is here to solve these issues. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about this softener, including its benefits, installation, maintenance, and more.

What is Cabinet Type 1035 Softener?

The Cabinet Type 1035 Softener is a water softener system that removes minerals such as calcium and magnesium from hard water. This system is designed to provide high-quality, softened water for residential and commercial use. It features a compact design that can fit in a standard cabinet space, making it ideal for small apartments, villas, and offices.

Benefits of Using Cabinet Type 1035 Softener

There are many benefits of using the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener, including:

  1. Improved water quality: The softener removes minerals that cause hard water, resulting in better-tasting and clearer water.
  2. Softer skin and hair: Softened water can help moisturize your skin and hair, preventing dryness and irritation.
  3. Longer appliance life: Softened water can help extend the life of your appliances, such as washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters.
  4. Reduced cleaning time: Softened water reduces the buildup of mineral deposits, making cleaning easier and quicker.

How Does Cabinet Type 1035 Softener Work?

The Cabinet Type 1035 Softener uses a process called ion exchange to remove minerals from hard water. The system contains resin beads that attract and trap calcium and magnesium ions. Once the beads are saturated with minerals, the softener regenerates them by flushing them with a brine solution, which removes the minerals and replenishes the beads with sodium ions.

Installation and Maintenance

Installing the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener is easy and can be done by a professional plumber. The system requires a power source and a drain line for regeneration. Once installed, the softener requires minimal maintenance, such as adding salt to the brine tank and periodic cleaning of the resin tank.

How to Choose the Right Size Cabinet Type 1035 Softener?

Choosing the right size Cabinet Type 1035 Softener depends on the hardness of your water and the number of people in your household. The softener’s capacity is measured in grains, which refers to the number of grains of minerals the softener can remove before regeneration. A water test can determine your water hardness level, which can help you choose the right softener size.


The Cabinet Type 1035 Softener is an excellent investment for anyone living in Dubai Marina. With its compact design, easy installation, and low maintenance, it provides high-quality softened water that can improve your daily life. Whether you’re looking for better-tasting water, softer skin, or longer appliance life, the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener can deliver. Contact a professional plumber today to learn more about installing the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener in your home or office.


  1. Can I install the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener myself?

We recommend hiring a professional plumber to install the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener to ensure proper installation and function.

  1. How often should I add salt to the brine tank?

You should add salt to the brine tank when the water level is low or when the system prompts you to add salt.

  1. How often should I clean the resin tank?

The resin tank should be cleaned periodically, depending on your water quality and usage. We recommend checking the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended cleaning schedule.

  1. What is the lifespan of the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener?

The lifespan of the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener depends on its usage and maintenance. With proper care, the softener can last for many years.

  1. Can the Cabinet Type 1035 Softener remove all impurities from the water?

The Cabinet Type 1035 Softener is designed to remove minerals such as calcium and magnesium from hard water. It may not remove other impurities such as bacteria, viruses, or chemicals. If you’re concerned about other contaminants in your water, we recommend installing a water filtration system in addition to the softener.


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